Silage Inoculants

In the world of modern agriculture, ensuring a consistent and high-quality feed supply for your livestock is paramount. That’s where silage comes into play, offering a nutrient-rich forage source that sustains your animals throughout the year. But what if we told you that there’s a secret ingredient that can elevate your silage to new heights of quality and nutritional value? Enter silage inoculants – the game-changer in preserving, enhancing, and optimizing your silage production.

At Ambello Bacteria Cultures, we understand the vital role that silage plays in your livestock’s diet and, by extension, in the overall success of your farm. Silage inoculants are the unsung heroes that make it all possible. Here’s why we think they matter:

  1. Preservation and Nutrient Retention: Silage inoculants are packed with beneficial bacteria that kickstart the fermentation process. By converting plant sugars into lactic acid, they lower the pH of your silage, locking in its nutritional goodness. This means your livestock get to enjoy every bit of protein, energy, and vitamins your forage crop has to offer.

  1. Minimized Dry Matter Loss: Say goodbye to unnecessary waste. Silage inoculants work tirelessly to reduce dry matter losses during ensiling, ensuring you get the most out of your hard-earned forage crop. Every bit counts.

  1. Enhanced Digestibility: Your livestock will thank you for the digestibility boost. The action of these inoculants makes your silage more digestible, leading to improved feed efficiency and, ultimately, healthier, happier animals.

  1. Spoilage Prevention: Moldy and spoiled silage is a thing of the past. Silage inoculants act as guardians, suppressing the growth of harmful microorganisms that threaten to compromise your feed’s quality.

  1. Extended Shelf Life: With the help of silage inoculants, your silage can stand the test of time. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your feed will maintain its freshness and nutritional value, even during extended storage periods.

  1. Consistency and Reliability: Inoculants bring consistency to the unpredictable world of farming. They help manage variations in forage quality due to factors like weather, ensuring your silage remains dependable.

At Ambello Bacteria Cultures we’re passionate about empowering farmers like you to achieve the best possible results. Our Sacco Systems carefully selected and tested silage inoculants are designed to unlock the full potential of your silage, giving your livestock the nutrition they deserve and your farm the productivity it needs.

Experience the difference that silage inoculants can make in your silage production. Join us in redefining what quality feed means for your livestock and your farm. Explore our range of silage inoculants today and elevate your silage game to new heights. Your farm’s success starts here.

Lactosil 3.0™ Silage Inoculant
Lactosil 3.0™ Silage Inoculant
Lactosil 3.0™ Silage Inoculant
Lactoplus™ Silage Inoculant

LACTOSIL 3.0™ ensures your silage fermentation is fast, consistant and retains its essential nutrients. 

LACTOSIL 3.0™ ensures alarge number of viable lactic acid bacteria (10 times higher than that of its competitors) ensures a rapid lowering of the pH of the ensiled mass, inhibiting the microorganisms that are unfavourably for conservation and/or pathogenic for the livestock.

LACTOSIL 3.0™ allows for the reduction of loss of dry substance and increases the nutritional value of the silage; it reduces the presence of clostridia spores, produces appetizing aromatic substances for the animals and allows for the early opening of the silo.

The silage is thus safer, more appetizing and nutritious, improving animal healthiness, the profitability of the farm and the quality of the final dairy products.The variety and health of ecosystems is of the highest concern, in order to improve yields and ensure sustainability, ecology and the health of all organisms involved.

The team at Ambello Bacteria Cultures is ready to support you for consulting, supply and product-development projects, for innovation in a sector in continuous transformation, constantly looking for effective and sustainable solutions.

Ambello Bacteria Cultures

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