Natural Protection for Fish Products

4Protection™ is a Sacco line of cultures to protect products from the development of unwanted microorganisms. 4Protection cultures are composed of 100% natural lactic acid bacteria that help producers to create a safe product with good structural propertiesthroughout its shelf life.

Sacco System has developed specific lines of live cultures for the natural protection of fish and fish products. Actions such as smoking, salting and drying are not sufficient to guarantee elimination of the Listeria monocytogenes bacteria from fish products.

Sacco 4Protection bacteria™ have been specially developed to offer Listeria protection for raw fish (smoked salmon and processed products), packaged fish sold refrigerated (fillets of bass, trout, rainbow trout, etc.) freshwater and salt-water fish sold fresh, and many other types of fish products.

4Protection™ product lines for fish

AL – Anti Listeria monocytogenes: two specific products for natural protection of fish products from Listeria risk. Lyoflora FP-18™ and Lyoflora FP-50™ are products made with Carnobacterium spp., bacteria that produce bacteriocins capable of reducing Listeria monocytogenes contamination in fish where it is present. Lyoflora FP-18™ and Lyoflora FP-50™ can also be applied via injection, immersion or spraying onto the product after dry salting or during slicing.

Listeria Prevention in Fish

Ambello Bacteria Cultures

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